<![CDATA[AN ENCHANTED ALCHEMY - Mems, Memes & Musings]]>Thu, 20 Jun 2024 06:04:09 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[In Between Sunrises]]>Sun, 12 May 2024 07:00:00 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/in-between-sunrisesPicture
I remember creating a pie chart once that divided the 24 hours of a day into categories; I used to be a big chart girl and loved anything visual, especially if it drove a point home. At the time, I was deep into my career and so this particular chart’s purpose was to illustrate the amount of time I had for my personal life. Oh, my goodness, the results were eye-opening; a mere 4 free of obligation hours were mine, maybe. I also recall that younger innocent me thinking there wasn’t much I could do about it, and so just continued to allow the daily toss, tumble and turn to happen in a sleep walky kind of way.
I’m much better at not sleepwalking through my days now as I apply good amounts of focus on being ‘awake’ when I’m awake, I will even occasionally race with the sun to see who gets up first. Yes, it’s become a ‘thing’ for me. I love watching my day begin, imagining all that the next 24 hold because it is mine to create, do and be as I wish. This is where the best stuff happens for me - in between sunrises. Each and most every minute, whether it be day or night. I feel hopeful, full of happy anticipation and most importantly – in charge.
Constructing this life where I am free to let in only that which serves me in the best way may seem like a luxury to some, I get it. But I really believe we each have full command of every one of our minutes - it’s a matter of choosing to put yourself first … as was the case this last several months for me.
​You know when you hear a song that just stirs you as it permeates your consciousness and resonates with your senses …  you want that melody to go on forever. The experience is memorable and makes you feel alive, packed with all kinds of goodness. I could tell this was going to be one of those memory-making times in my life. An encounter I will not soon forget.
I allowed it in. And then I let it go.
Living life fully means to me that we be open to people and places and things. Admittedly, I am still working on the ‘letting people in’ part. In my quest for happiness and joy, I’ve found it safer to keep the gates closed so as not to let in the scary stuff. But in this instance, the gateway was opened a bit, and a most delicious experience met me. Full of that kind of passion, not even my imaginative mind saw coming. Sensual, provocative and the connection clicked almost immediately. Sharp and witty, the playful banter was drawing us in. How alive it made me feel.
This sense that you are having an effect, mentally and physically on another human can be a fascinating consequence in one’s life. Letting passion take a front row seat and sharing the sensual aspects of you with another is an intimacy and bliss not to be missed. Zero to One Hundred, that’s how I described it. Tabling the serious side of me for just a bit to play and be silly and share my day, my thoughts, my whatever. 
What I also found so intriguing was the amount of visualization and creativity we shared in our communication. Feeling inspired, the interaction just hummed along like a well-choreographed dance. I’d never felt this kind of response from another, so it was a moment, for sure. Tapping into senses less called on in your day to day - when you allow the imagination to lead, it's amazing. Like when you read a book and then see the movie; many times, the movie isn’t as good. You know why? It’s because when you read, your imagination joins the author and together you collaborate and create a very satisfying experience. That imagination of yours produces a far richer, tailor-made scene because you engaged in the story, completely – more elaborate and complex than any movie production ever could. Such a strong power that wells up from deep inside and is there to contribute in the greatest of ways when you let it. This was that for me.
The saying: some come into your life for a day, a week, a month, a year, or a lifetime comes to mind. For the briefest of moments, time stood still for me while I floated and twirled and allowed myself to be swept up in all of this yumminess. A ME I’ve kept under wraps was let out to enjoy a life experience I will forever be grateful I had.
My take-away is a less armored and stronger renewed sense of self, more greatly aware who I am.  I feel happy and more vibrantly alive and playful for having allowed this in my life.  And I now also see the delightfully intrinsic value in knowing when to let go. Ultimately, it sets YOU free from unnecessary drama unrealistic expectations and false illusions so you can get back to the task at hand - living your best life!
                                 “Let come what comes, let go what goes. See what remains.”  Ramana Maharshi

So, maybe I’ll keep that gate unlocked a little bit longer – reminding myself to stay present and let it flow … all of it from the sensual passions that run through me deeply to the unnoticed but soon to be realized hidden gems waiting to be savored.
I thank you sweet man for sharing some of my sunrises with me …

<![CDATA[Moving With Not Against]]>Wed, 11 Jan 2023 18:18:00 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/moving-with-not-against
The flow, that is.

​Do you know about your flow? It’s a mental thing really, starting with an awareness - of what you are thinking and feeling and what makes you happy. And then acting upon that pursuit - becoming so engaged and engrossed that you lose track of time and space; you are “in the zone” not concerned with ‘other worldly’ issues - you simply are choosing to be in the moment of absolute delightful action.
For the record – this is a state of being we should all be striving to attain, as often as we can.

Sometimes, that ‘flow’ may just be that you have a moment of complete right-this-minute clarity and what you love is your life. You have this knowing that most everything is just clicking. And you think to yourself; “more, please”. But more often, the flow is going to come to you when you’ve found that thing you are good at. Discovering your genius - your bliss. Watch a musician get lost in the delivery of a piece of music they are playing or a dancer float as they move across the dance floor, both a bit unconscious of the audience … the pleasure and experience of executing a passion can offer such intense gratification, you do not care what others think – your only concern is that it is making you happy! Simple as it sounds, the key to this transportive stream of delight is in doing something you love. Something that puts you in the flow on a regular basis.

So, imagine if the work you did, everyday – all day was you performing something you loved. Find work you love, and you will never work another day in your life is an expression I’m sure you’ve heard in one of many forms which loosely implies that discovering what you are good at and enjoy doing as your life’s work will reap rewards of great magnitude including health, wealth and a life of worthwhile contentment. For so long, though many felt this to be far-fetched thinking (doing what you love as your day job). So conditioned we have been to think work is not supposed to be fun. The harder, the better and expecting our work make us happy as we collect paychecks is just a silly, unrealistic notion.

I remember having these thoughts when the pandemic shutdown first occurred; “just wait, there will be countless many who will now question their work purpose and realize they can and should question how and where they spend their valuable energy and time”  “good luck to all those businesses when trying to get these employees back to the workplace”  “it’s going to be like stuffing your feet back into those pinched, close-toed shoes after almost a year of slippers, socks and bare feet”. This is not to say that everyone was dissatisfied with their day work, but it seems as if a good majority took the break as a way to put into question what would satisfy them and to examine what moving with their flow instead of against it might feel like. Such a beautiful awakening of the collective!

It is not my intention to argue or question the pandemic and its effects … we each came away with experiences and lessons for our lives. But one very indisputable fact is that it changed us. It brought much to light for self-analysis. I believe it made many stronger and more self-resilient. Begrudgingly I will admit, adversity has some redeeming qualities - a proverb I came across illustrates this … ‘Smooth Seas Do Not Make Skillful Sailors’. But I also feel that our life lessons don’t always have to be these dramatic, scary experiences before the lessons get learned. Unless we are resisting. Change is the only constant and resistance opposes the flow of energy. It takes a lot of effort to go against - to resist, to slow down or prevent. So learning to navigate our flow serves to ease the passage of our time here. Allow yourself to flow like a river when change happens.
"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."
Lao Tzu

Our greatest opportunities for growth are when we recognize our part in the changes and resistances aka; challenges and struggles we experience. Trust that you have boundless energy and wisdom within to go with your flow. You were born with talents, wishes and desires for a reason. You are perfect just as you are and deserve to be happily fulfilled with your life. So here’s the take-away; happy, satisfied humans make for a better more productive world.
Do us all a favor; go find your happy and get to it 😊
<![CDATA[​The Best First]]>Wed, 26 Oct 2022 07:00:00 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/the-best-first
I just caught myself going for the least appealing bite of my breakfast (a burnt corner on my toast) and then deliberately took the best bite first. This is the newer ME, more consciously considering each of my moments and actions – opting for the best, first.

For most of my life – with food or anything that has come my way, I find I’ll take the roughest or driest, smallest or least desirable portion or part first. On the face of it, I suppose my thinking is to save the best for last or delay the imminent pleasure, but experience has proven that I don’t always get to the last part. Either because I got full or time expired or something precluded my reaching the bottom or the end - the best parts or portions go unclaimed.

And then, similarly with many of my obtained tangibles - I will either evade use, thinking to preserve the sacred item or I’ll buy several of the darn things to prevent ever running out of them. I can't even count how many times I've 'lost out' due to expiration dates (!)

These are perfect examples of ‘scarcity thought’ and support the philosophy there is not enough of something, creating fear and anxiety which for most of us is an unpleasant space to live in. I know I’m not alone – there are several who think in terms of limitation and ‘preservative action’ when it comes to our stuff. Maybe we were raised to believe deferred gratification is polite and a responsible ploy or that saving the best until last is kind of like a reward. I heard someone say, “I don't want to die with an unspent dollar bill in my pocket”. That made me chuckle … and relate!

A childhood memory just flashed; my several siblings and I standing in line - my mother at the crown with a spoon in one hand and an almost empty carton of ice cream in the other. That night’s dessert – we each rotated being ‘first’. In turn, we would take the spoon and dip into the carton for our bite. I’d only take a little so that there would be enough for a few go-rounds, but my siblings took a different approach, scooping as much as they could for their bite. Weird that would pop into my head as I wrote this but shows me I’ve been practicing pleasure delaying for quite a while. And while younger me found my fellow ice cream eaters’ actions rude and selfish I am now a full-fledged subscriber to the ‘me first / be as selfish as you can’ movement. I absolutely applaud this all-you-can-get / when-you-can-get-it act of theirs.

As we grow, we learn and hopefully become independent-thinking adults who are the champions of our lives. We should be our biggest fan and make us and our desires our top priority, realizing we are in charge of our own happiness. If you are still in the ‘me after everyone and everything else’ lane, some reconsideration is due.

In many of my personal essays and writings, you will find I proclaim the significance of Self-Care and Self-love defined as the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, intentional actions and effort to take care of one's own physical, mental, and emotional health - anything that nourishes the mind, body, or spirit. Your happiness and joy is your responsibility. To expect anyone or any outside source to make you more contented is like getting on a bike to ride it but expecting someone else to pedal.  I can't stress enough the value learning this lesson is to the quality of your life, making you a happy human ... ALWAYS PUT YOURSELF FIRST - LOVE YOURSELF FIRST.

                                  "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection"

I believe this to be the ripest part of my life journey and that it now holds constant flourishing abundance. Admittedly I still sometimes feel tempted to apportion all that I have to make sure it lasts but then I remind ME I’m deserving of the best that there is - ALWAYS. I did not / we did not come here to sacrifice or compromise or play second or third or fifth position in ANYTHING.
It’s not that I think finishing the best things before they get away from me is better than waiting for them, it’s more because I now think each day holds its own special something and everything – there’s more than enough for me / for you / for all of us. If I desire it, I deserve it and so, I shall have it … every bite!

<![CDATA[A Beautiful New Bunch of Minutes]]>Wed, 01 Jun 2022 21:06:59 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/a-beautiful-new-bunch-of-minutesPicture

​As I started thinking about what I was going to write this morning, I felt emotional. Another shift is upon me and I can feel the change vibe so strongly.  I am not afraid but excited as I step forward into all the delicious delightfulness that is waiting for me to create. My tears are happy tears.  I am full of gratitude and embracing this trip through time … my time, fully awake.

I am a work in progress … we all are, and so still wrapping my head around the limitless nature of my life. I remind myself that at this moment - this point in my life, I only need relax and allow what is 'right now' to matter most … it is enjoyable enough.

I AM DETERMINED NOT TO DEPRIVE MYSELF OF ALL THAT IS MINE in love, joy, abundance and a full beautiful existence. 

So, here’s my short and sweet message; Do not subscribe to the idea that joy and richness in all that matters to you are seldom felt experiences. I know better and now so do you - life is supposed to be joyful and abundant and happy and fun. Don’t accept the misguided notion that life is hard, and we aren’t here to be amused and romp and play our days away. Nothing could be sadder then resigning oneself to thinking or believing that life is without any of this.


Each day holds a beautiful new bunch of minutes for us.  Like that happy and surprised sense you feel when finding money on the ground, besides the additional wealth you’ve just come into - whether it’s a penny or a twenty, you've been given something you didn’t have a minute ago ... your next and new moments can be the same.

​So, how will you spend your next beautiful bunch of minutes?   
<![CDATA[Give Yourself Permission]]>Sun, 06 Feb 2022 19:26:53 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/give-yourself-permission
Have you ever watched a patch of cloud drift across the sky, riding the breeze like a surfer riding a wave?  I was mesmerized as I just happened to look up at the right time to capture this grand vision, today.   I had decided to sit and work outside while the sun was out even though it was still quite cold and breezy. To do this, I had to bundle up several layers deep ...
​hats and hoods, gloves and sweaters and sweats and socks – (notice the plurals here).  What a chuckle those passing by probably had if they caught a glimpse, for I’m quite sure I was an amusing and entertaining sight to stumble onto - even I was laughing at how ridiculous I must have looked.

I’ve been doing a lot more of this – the doing what I want, when I want thing, not concerning myself with how I might look or what others might think.  It is so freeing – why didn’t I do this sooner?  My uptightness has been worn away with time as I am learning to relax and allow. Life is not supposed to be hard – any of it. That might take a minute to accept but it's true! We are not meant to struggle or chase ANYTHING whether it’s abundance, health, relief from pain (such as grief) or more love in our life ... just relax and visualize what you want and then open yourself to receive, and it will come … easier said than done, I get it.

It wasn't so long ago that my life was chock-full of chaos.  Climbing my way to an esteemed position in my 38 yrs. career, I immersed myself in my work (only to later find the emptiness of it all) I took my personal life for granted, not giving it much attention because it didn’t seem to need it.  My work, on the other hand, was incessantly needy – always some crisis or supposed obligatory project that couldn’t wait.   When I finally saw that no matter what I did, there’d always be another work dilemma that needed me, I decided to reroute my energies so that I could reacquaint myself to ME and regain a personal life. As I look back, I now see that having kept so narrowly focused on work prevented me from being present and joyful in my ‘real’ life. It's a good thing I woke up. It's a good thing I can see more clearly now. It's a good thing I have decided to put me first and selfishly live the life I want to. I now apply my energies to being present as I create my now moments and the blissful future I intend to live.

We are living in a time of great awakening - can you feel it? Mandates of yesteryear are being challenged by countless many who are finally stepping into leadership roles for themselves. It is said the mark of a great leader is one who will question or even break a rule if it doesn't make sense, doing something different to bring about a better outcome. I see a major shift in values and the way one thinks beginning to take center stage for a collective group of these bosses. Are you one?

Boss / Leaders don't wait for approval to step into Take Charge Bosshood, they give themselves permission. To be the leader in charge of your life, you must shut down the negativity committee (whether coming from inside your head or from your outer circle of influence) and refuse to be deterred or thrown off course from this rousing of self-awareness and take chargeness. Make a commitment to yourself that everything and everyone now take a second or third row seat to your wants and wishes. No one ... NO ONE is going to know better than you how or what will make you happy. Be open and willing to seek and effect change because real awakening means taking a serious look within to find YOUR truth and then follow your passion. If you don't know what your passion is than you need to take a minute or a day to figure this out. WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO DO - forget whether it is realistic or not. Following your bliss - however well-worn the cliche, is still the surest way to living a successful, satisfying life. And finally, begin taking steps – big or little - toward all this. If there was ever a time to make a change in your human being experience, it is now. And, if you're one that still feels you need permission to step into your life of independence than consider it granted ...

I am more and more awake each day as I continue to flex my personal self-powers of alignment with my Universe. I love living in an existence I have a hand in creating. Most certainly, I am and will continue to be a work-in-progress, happily acknowledging my spirituality and transformations of growth but that is what I came here to do – live and learn ... we all did.

So, while I ride each of my delicious self-empowered moments like a horse on the beach (or a cloud in the sky).  I will no longer resist whatever it is I desire, whenever I desire it, I give myself permission to have, do or be … and clearly, I don’t care what I look like while I’m doing it 😉
<![CDATA[Magical Moments]]>Sun, 12 Dec 2021 16:21:13 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/magical-moments
This is a beautiful time to reflect on all the wonder in your life & shine your light brightly as you offer peace, forgiveness and
​divine love to all ... a magical time to put aside the many 
materialistic concerns of our world and instead
put forth attentions to peace and joyful happiness.

​“Blessed are the peacemakers" 💖
<![CDATA[Humans Aren’t the Only Ones …]]>Mon, 16 Aug 2021 14:51:41 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/humans-arent-the-only-onesPicture
From time to time I will share excerpts from my personal journal because I think our life experiences - all of them - are intended to help us develop to our fullest potential. And just maybe by sharing, it can help another benefit in some way, too.

This particular passage was a time after my husband passed. There is probably no greater life altering experience you will have then the loss of a loved one, this I now know. Although this was truly a 'life-changing' event, there was nothing delightful about it. I had to finally grow up and now after some time has gone by, I can see how my life has expanded in some pretty unimaginable ways that I don't think would've been the case, otherwise. And so, this story I share is a point in time and yes, it really did happen ... 

We have two boys. Combined, they have 8 legs and lots of fur. Yes, they are dogs – kind of. Some days, they act like old, cranky men. They are elderly; 13 & 14 years old so, I look the other way when they’ve done something wrong but in all our years together, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced the kind of bad behavior I’m seeing since my husband has been gone. Clearly, humans are not the only creatures that grieve.
There was an undeniable bond between my husband and these boys - the oldest dogson followed him EVERYWHERE. We would laugh about it because he was such a little shadow - there were no boundaries. The younger of the two is much more independent and a bit of a loose cannon. He bounces between bad ass trouble maker and biggest scaredy pants on the planet. He’s not social AT ALL where the oldest could’ve been the Walmart greeter in another life. As a pack, we were tight but their favorite by a mile was my husband, (this could also be because I was the disciplinarian, much of the time, isn’t every Mom?)
In the days just following my husband’s death, I admittedly didn’t think so much about how these boys would process the loss, other than they’d miss him terribly. After a while, I began to notice signs that my guys needed a little help to cope. It broke my heart when I would come back after one of my rare outings and they’d stand or lay by the door, waiting for my husband to follow me in. Not even treats could lure them away, in the beginning.  
Time helped them realize we were now a 3 pack. They took to sleeping on the bed with me where before, they’d each had sleeping spots somewhere else in the house. I heard you’re not to change your pets routine and to use lots of positive reinforcement, showing as much patience and understanding as possible during this adaption time. Ok, no problem. Neither of these guys was much for cuddles before but now the oldest one can't get enough while the youngest, not so much as he’s busy perfecting his rebellious side and lately every new day is presenting an opportunity for him to express himself in one defiant way or another. 
Let me tell you about the other day …
I had an envelope with a significant amount of money in it, in my purse for deposit the following day. I placed my purse next to my side of the bed and didn’t think about it again. The following morning, I went to get the envelope out of my purse and saw it wasn’t there. I must have already put it by my keys, I thought … no, it wasn’t by my keys. I looked in the other room, nope. As I was coming back through the living room, I saw a mess on the floor in the media room. Crap, I thought, where did he find napkins – I’ve been diligent in keeping that door closed. As I walked up to the shredded bundle on the floor, my eyes zoomed in for clarity and I saw that it was not napkins. It was the envelope. THE SHREDDED ENVELOPE with shredded dollar bills. I’m not talking ones, either. These were fifty's and hundred dollar bills in that envelope. That tattered mound of paper chaos was not discernable, I only knew it was money because there was green stuff, glopped in amongst the envelope mess. Words cannot describe this discovery moment, adequately. I think my shriek could be heard for miles, which caught the oldest one by surprise because he knew he hadn’t done anything wrong and sent the youngest one running, because he knew he had.  For the next few hours, I frantically worked to put humpty dumpty back together again, praying all the pieces were there and I wouldn’t have to dig through tomorrow’s poop to make things whole. 
So, what was the punishment for my little darling? What could I do, we’ve never been spankers but I didn’t trust myself so I put him outside … which he HATES. While I was mending and taping, he was whining and howling pitifully - plainly unaware, (or didn’t care), he’d committed such an atrocious misconduct. Simply showing patience and understanding to a pet in mourning was NOT what I was thinking at that moment.

Before you judge too harshly, I agree, I should’ve known better. But in my defense, the purse was not in a spot he could get to – God knows how he did or, when he did. Every day is a new adventure with this one. What I used to think was ‘spunk’ and ‘character’ has turned into just downright rude behavior … I’m going to have to read up on this, I wonder if they have a book about rude dogs, acting out while they grieve?  I’m sure they do and we’ll get this dialed in. Can you imagine if humans took this course of action (blatantly and boldly misbehaving in off-putting and destructive ways) with their grief? Quite honestly, there are times when I’d like to, just sayin ... 
Both my boys are now with their Dad. I came across this entry and had a good laugh, remembering the moment quite distinctly and although coming through the grief of these losses taxed my spirit greatly (I actually created another blog to help me work through the layers of sadness that engulfed me), my therapy was and is deeply rooted in cultivating my art and using humor. Not to deflect but as a way to cope. It has been a process, for sure. 

“If we could see that everything, even tragedy, is a gift in disguise, we would then find the best way to nourish the soul.” Elizabeth Kubler Ross

One thing I've learned (among many) trenching through my personal losses is that I'm still here for a reason. I have a great deal of living life ahead of me and wish to live it deeply. Now more than ever it is clear to me that we each have a responsibility for how our lives go ... from these losses, I have found self-love and forgiveness which are two of the greatest gifts I could ever hope for. This chapter of my life continues to take shape in surprising and delightful ways because I am allowing myself to heal and grow.

At intervals, I will relay more of these intimate realizations that have come to me - some are quite funny and others are profound and very wise lessons I must share! And so, I honor my life, my husbands life and the life we made together ... the memories make me smile more than cry now. I choose to look forward to my todays and tomorrows joyfully.

And just as I type this, a song begins to play - it was one of 'our songs'. Thank you, I am reminded of the love connection that continues between us 💜💜💜
<![CDATA[Not Yesterday, Not Tomorrow, Only Today]]>Thu, 20 May 2021 00:12:32 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/not-yesterday-not-tomorrow-only-todayPicture
​Of all my personal growth endeavors, learning to meditate has been one of the trickiest. I think it’s partly because I had an antiquated notion that only the most evolved - almost saintly types were able to reach this nirvana-like state of mind and a mere mortal such as myself would never really be able to. And with an inner dialog like that, I never could. 

As with anything though, 

​once you relax and take your figurative foot off the gas, whatever issue you’ve been fretting about - the solution eventually comes to you with ease. The simple truth was / is that I was trying too hard. Huh, how often have you found that to be true in your earthly pursuits? I’d put so much pressure on myself to reach a ‘quiet mind’ - as I’d imagined was the key prerequisite to meditation - that it became less and less attainable. The more I tried to shut the mental chatter up, the more obnoxious and noisy it became, (the mind chatter can also come in the wee hours of a morning when I wake for some reason and lay there solving world problems while painting rooms and designing my outfit for the next social event and thinking about what I should have said to the rude gentleman in the store the other day) …

What I came to realize is that being present is the key … and it’s actually quite an easy process once you understand that being ‘present’ is simply being aware. You get laser-focused on the here and now - not on yesterday or tomorrow, only today. It is a moment, whether it be one minute or ten or 30 without any other thought. You give yourself time to be mindfully aware of what ‘is’ for you in this ‘now’ moment, not concerning yourself with anything that has already happened or will in the future. You let go of all the woes of the past and don’t dip a toe into the multi-tasking planning pool we all drown in from time to time for our futures. Plunging into your senses - the sights, smells, tastes, what you are hearing and feeling in this moment will also help to bring you to your now awareness.

And then breathe. Deep mindful breaths in and out as you are having this moment. Consciously inhale and exhale all the splendor that surrounds you in this perfect personal gift you are giving yourself. Allow Your Self to come to a calm and relaxed state of being and become attuned to the connection of the body / mind /spirit. Reflect and revel in all the love and gratitude in your life for as you acknowledge and express it in these meditative flashes of contemplative delight you will create more, isn’t that wonderfully brilliant?  
What I’ve found to help me quickly glide into ‘right now’ mode is to sit outside and watch nature at work. From the birds that come to have a sip and a dip and a bite to eat to the little butterfly exhibitionists floating around and showing off their colorful wings to the lizards that climb up to the sunniest spot on my waterfall and begin the pushup dance. It mesmerizes me. And the sound of the water tumbling over the rocks of my fountain lulls me into a sense of serenity I find nowhere else. I always come away from moments I have spent in nature refreshed and happy with the most wonderful creative inspirations for my work. I am not a big walker but I’m sure any time spent in nature will reap the same effect. Once I let go of my previous biased thinking and understood that all I had to do was be in the moment it turned out to be so simple – what a delightful surprise to find that these outdoor sessions of mine were a form of meditating that I’d been doing for years - I no longer feel intimidated!

A motivating force for me throughout my journey of enlightenment has been to extinguish the fear that has engulfed me much of my life. I speak of this often  and admit I have not always been so ‘right-now minded’. Hiding and running as far away from all that has scared me was the path I traveled for many years. Thankfully, I am a seeker of truths and wish to live a life full of miracles and so lifting the fear has been one of my deepest desires. I have found that chanting or reciting a mantra in these quiet moments can bring productive thoughts and helps my energy flow while calming my mind. A while ago I came across a beautiful prayer that spoke to healing fear-based thoughts. I wish I’d written it down but interpret it as follows

               Remove my guilt from yesterday and all worry for tomorrow so that I may have joy today.

I love the comfort I feel when I recite this little chant. I also think of all the things I’m thankful for – from the biggest to the littlest. I’m careful not to go too much further in the thought process though as I remind myself that the idea is to stay currently awake.

Of course  there are many other methods and techniques for mediation which you can find when you do any research but keeping it simple resonates with me. The important thing is that we find ways to soothe ourselves naturally, learning to savor our minutes and hours and days. To regain our power and to keep in mind we choose each of our moments, whether they be calm and peaceful or chaotic and unpleasant. The alignment that meditation brings is just one more invaluable tool to add to your toolbox and assist us in living our best life.

You know who’s got this whole ‘live in the moment and not be concerned with the past or the future’ thing? Our pets … we could all learn a thing or two from these little darlings and how they live out each of their days with no thoughts beyond their current experience. As I type this, I am looking over to where my crazy puppy dog is chasing shadows the birds above are making as they flutter around in the trees. I don’t think he’s figured out that they are shadows - he really thinks they are something to catch (like when you see a cat chasing a light beam). He is quite intent on the chase and clearly in a present moment. Seeing this makes me laugh out loud and now, I am in another joyful moment - not thinking about anything else ...
<![CDATA[Crazy Cozy Outdoor Splendor]]>Fri, 02 Apr 2021 07:00:00 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/crazy-cozy-outdoor-splendor
I am a devotee to creating crazy cozy and unique Outdoor Spaces. I think having your own private oasis is just so magical!

I love finding livable pockets of space outside the home, just waiting to become special one-of-a-kind experiences you get to enjoy anytime you want .. whether it be as an intimate and private tranquility refuge that allows you to share time & space with Mother Nature and all she has to offer to delightful areas for guest entertaining. ​And, courtyards are my real 'jam' I just love em!                                
Did you know a courtyard is simply an enclosed space open to the sky, doesn’t that sound charming? Of course there's the typical spots like the patio or balcony / deck but look around and you may find a patch of the yard you hadn’t considered before ... the possibilities are endless! 

​And t
here are no rules when decorating an outdoor space, just focus always on comfort and splendor.  Mixing it up with lots of color and unique decorative ornamentation is also part of the fun. Make sure to include plants and flowers that will attract all kinds of birds and butterflies - they bring life to any garden. Another 'must have' is a water feature or fountain. Water dripping and cascading over anything sounds wonderful and will attract all kinds of winged beauties to this oasis you are creating. 

Cozy & Cute Settings
Character, charm and lots of sink-right-into-them pillows for deep cushy seating on your porches, decks & covered patios will lull you right into a magical headspace you will love! Read your favorite book , listen to your favorite tunes ... too fabulous 🤍 

. use pillow cases to cover your pillows and just tuck in the ends to the size of the pillows, this way you can remove and wash easily as well as change looks/ color themes anytime you wish. Variations of whites or other matching solid color cases with just one or two coordinating prints is my fave - local thrift shops always have a great selection. Pillow shams work too (especially the quilty kind) and give you a nice different comfy size to play with. ONLY soft fabrics allowed
. same goes for seat cushions - I create slip covers for the bottom and seat backs with sheets (or sometimes just wrap) so easy to remove for cleaning - nothing like dropping down into crisp clean sheets (just like a newly made bed) 😉
Do t
ake care to prevent fungus, mold and mildew 

Cushion & Pillow Storage - I love white washed outdoor furnishings and found a beautiful wooden sideboard to serve as a wonderful storage for cushions, pillows and covers in the off-season. I wash all the covers before storing in those fabulous plastic bags you vacuum the air out of and then just tuck away until next season. They stay fresh and clean and it tickles me each time I get to open them and re-set my outdoor space 

Bye-Bye Buggy 
I have great respect for all living things but you can't enjoy your Magical Garden Kingdom if you're constantly having to swat away pesky, creepy crawlers & flyers. I chant this little prayer often - "please lets all learn to live together - I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone" but some bugs just don't abide so a little mitigation is in order 

No standing water = mosquitoes can't breeeeeed   make sure your water features run full-time when practical - in the warmer months especially. Mosquito Dunks are also a great highly effective little helper to plop in your ponds, fountains and water features to shut down the baby mosquito-making 

Did you know most backyard birds feast on insects? Just another great reason for putting a few feeders out in your yards to encourage them to set up camp and move in - they will love the buffet of variable goods to feast on in your yard and will do their part to keep the insect population controlled. ​Plant lavender, marigold, chrysanthemum, and lemongrass in beds and pots around your outdoor living space as they are all known to discourage a host of insects from mosquitoes to aphids.

​Citronella is a common go-to when trying to combat the barrage of bug attacks. Did you know 
citronella has been used to flavor foods and beverages for over 50 years - that just speaks to its natural nature as it comes from two types of grass. It is said to mask scents (ours) that are attractive to insects. Sprays & lotions also do a good job but make sure to read the label. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends you use products containing one of three active ingredients: DEET; picaridin; or plant-derived chemicals, such as oil of lemon eucalyptus. And you also want to make sure the active ingredients are registered with the EPA.

You can also find a plethora of bug zappers to choose - from the solar powered to the battery charged to the typical electric - most being highly effective. Personally, I find it a bit jarring to 'hear' the moment of demise for each insect that comes into contact with these devices so my preference is to try the other methods first but that's just me - no judgement, whatever your choice.

I could go on and on (and will in other posts) but I hope you are inspired to partake of all the rich, earthy goodness that awaits you for there is great mental, physical, and spiritual benefits right outside your door ...  💜
<![CDATA[Now I Remember]]>Thu, 23 Jul 2020 15:47:07 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/now-i-rememberPicture
​I just woke up from a long sleep … I’m not talking about a nap or a night’s worth of slumber, more like three or so years of what seems akin to semi-nothingness.
I’ve caught myself doing things the hard way (again). As I learn to live on my own I seem to have slid back into the 'worry and fear zone'. I thought I’d come to a place of awareness, applying newly gained self-empowerment insights to the way I lived my life, just assuming a breezy / easy future - and mostly it has been (certainly more so than ever before) but still much toiling and fretting. I’ve kind of forgotten to relax and allow and trust my Inner Me to guide me to whatever it is that I desire, whether that be wealth, health or safe harbors …

This slippery slope of reversal led me back to the scaredy cat I used to be. Without even realizing it, I’ve begun allowing fear to seep into everything. This has always brought on the greatest challenges for me because my emotional fear becomes quite real and raw (a scared me is not a side of myself I want to see, let alone share) as was the case the other day. The situation overwhelmed me and sent me to ‘that’ place which is full of worry and dread. I gave my power away and let outside sources and forces lead. Whether consciously or subconsciously, we give permission to be controlled, overshadowed or dominated / dictated to – that is the only way we lose our secular authority and dominion over our own precious lives … THE ONLY WAY. I know this but still.
So, me who has wanted to stand on the highest mountain top, sharing my discoveries about how to live our best lives, offering the “here’s how’s” to any and all that care to listen is gobbling up this particular life lesson that has just plopped itself squarely in my sad scared little lap. I am jumping for joy to have recognized the little personal glitch for what it is. Like a gentle wind, the realization swirled around me and comforted me instantly to remember that if I didn’t like what was, I could change it – I have the power to do so. Simply allow the good in, RELEASE the negative thought, let go of my need to control any outside source I think will make me feel better and trust it all to be so. I and only I create my reality.
I would’ve preferred not to have had the unpleasant experience, honestly but I now realize it held great meaning and purpose for my growth. Clearly, this evolving stuff is not a one and done thing. To remain enlightened, you must stay mindful of the powers and abilities you possess. I think this is some of what is meant about entering into ‘consciousness’. I’m excited, I hadn’t fully understood that in any relevant way before. It also makes my idea to create “reminders” through my An Enchanted Alchemy art more pertinent, too! (sorry, that was some shameless marketing, heh heh 😊)
We all have them, you know. That little (or big) knock that says, “hey, you’re not paying attention” or “you’re making this much harder than it need be” or whatever other advisory message is called for. And you know who’s doing the knocking or the tapping or thumping? You’re Inner You. Call it intuition, a little niggly voice in your head (or heart), a weird feeling in your stomach – it’s all trying to get our attention and urging us to take a minute and adjust to the course of action or direction that is better suited to making us happy. We have been gifted with an Inner Guide to assist our decision making moments and to help us follow our truest path.

                                             The whole course of things goes to teach us faith. 
We need only obey. There is guidance for each of us,
                                           and by lowly listening, we shall hear the right words    
​                                                                 Ralph Waldo Emerson

You know what else you may be called to release other than negative thoughts? Anything and everything that does not make you joyful. When we thoughtlessly glide through our minutes, hours, days, weeks and such, putting up and shutting up (or out) because it seems the path of least resistance, please know that it is not. You are paying a price. Each compromise I’ve made for the sake of peace has cost me in many ways. Most importantly, my joy. Here’s a rule I wish to forever now live by and hope you will too; ME FIRST. Let’s make a promise to ourselves to begin every decision we are about to make and every action we are about to take with this forethought; “will this make ME happy?” “will I benefit from this?” If so then proceed. If what we are about to do, say or have doesn’t serve us before all others than let’s take a minute to redirect so that it will.
Yes, I’m remembering now; we have come here to be selfish. To grow and enrich our lives with our greatest innermost yearnings. To love ourselves enough to expand and explore. To nurture and pamper the sweet little creatures that we are. Forget what you learned as a child; that being selfish is ‘wrong’ – it is the most ‘right’ thing we'll ever do. If we are not taking every one of our breaths in an aware self-loving and deliberate way to assure our satisfaction and delightful happiness then we are just moving aimlessly through this earth journey, letting outside sources influence and govern. That’s why it is so important that we really get in there and learn who we are, what we want for our life and what makes us tingley, silly happy.

And, just for the record, in its many forms, it’s love – that’s the number one desire for us all (beast or human). To be loved is the ultimate goal. But unless we learn to love ourselves first (and most) and not expect that it will come from an outside source, we will always be disappointed and searching. If you were to stop and really think about it, you would probably agree how absurd it is that we have an expectation for someone or something else to make us happier than we could make ourselves. I’ve caught myself many a time believing in this way and very often have felt let down. How many times do you think one person has asserted to another; “I’m not a mind reader” and then, how especially odd it is when one might expect another person to know or take care of something when we ourselves haven’t taken the time to know about ourselves … yup, we all do it.
Once you get to know every big and little thing about YOU and what your true desires are, you are on your way to a sweet blissful existence. This will also empower you to create the most spectacular plan to navigate your charming little life. But if you’re one to balk at a specific plan, wanting instead to wing it and live loosely, that is entirely up to you. A plan just provides the smoothest course which is the other thing most of us wish for – to steady the unsteady and follow a sure and pleasant path to our aspirations. If that’s not what you want then see, you just learned something about yourself.
I always like to include a little metaphorical side dish so, let’s say you went to all the trouble to put your boat in the water. You’d get in it start the motor and then what? Would you just sit back expecting your little dingy to go where you want without guiding it? Unless you steered the boat, having charted your course, it’s likely you would not arrive at your chosen destination efficiently if at all. I see this as how I used to live my life before I took the time to examine my desires and dreams and wishes and then devise a strategy for my growth and life-loving enjoyment. Until I knew what I wanted (and didn’t want), I had no idea how to direct my journey, I just followed a path someone else had conceived. It was unintentional recklessness.
But now, this most recent little hiccup / life lesson is reminding ME that I am in the driver seat (I knew this but I’d forgotten). I only need alter the course to put myself back on track to my contentment. I am so glad to be waking up to all of these marvelous life-changing truths that serve me in the most delightful way. I am safe, I am fine, I am ok. And then, to be reminded that loving myself first and well will just kick it up a notch, I’ve got this. That’s always the beginning of great stuff to come because when your full of that kind of self-love, you become a passionate, friendly and adoring confident and secure human who enthusiastically shares all that wonderful love with the world which then attracts it back to you exponentially – that’s some good old law of attraction right there!
What a great message this has been, don’t you think? Ok then, it’s time to get in your boat and steer that thing! As soon as you turn the key, it is ready to go in any direction you choose, and when you apply the gas /accelerator (your intentions and desires) the journey becomes a wonderful ride to enjoy (because you’ve charted your course) and now know you are traveling the path you intended thinking your happy thoughts, singing your silly songs and now fully believing that YOU and only YOU are in charge of all that is YOU …
I wish you happy sailing little selfish one!
<![CDATA[You Are a Remarkable Specimen of Humanity]]>Thu, 16 Apr 2020 03:22:43 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/you-are-a-remarkable-specimen-of-humanityPicture

​​Do you know that an innate inner strength and willful resolve empowers you to overcome any and all adversity you may feel no longer serves you? You came here knowing this, but 3D living has probably made you forget so I am going to remind you of this amazing energy you hold inside and the present evolution to other dimensional living that awaits.

​First though, it might help to demystify what all this 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensional stuff is about - it sounds so very sci-fi ish, doesn’t it? I think many are put off by this world dimensional concept because they do not understand it or it frightens them a little (or a lot), not knowing what it might do to their lives.

Simply, each of these dimensions describe a thinking or awareness to our world and how we perceive things to be, our belief system. It is not so much a physical but mental personal evolvement.

In a 3rd dimension world, we have considered ourselves separate rather than connected to the Universe and others. Our experiences have been quite physical, tangible, and materialistic. We have relied more on what we have seen, heard, or been told (outside source) than what we have felt or known (inside source). Our own intuitions have not been our first ‘go-to’ choices for decision making. In a 3D world there is an element of ‘limited thinking’. For instance, feeling as if there is not enough of something you want or that there is only a limited supply so you will have to compete, work harder, get there first, etc. Another example would be determining your worth or identifying your value by titles such as ‘wife / husband / lover’, ‘manager / boss’, ‘parent’, etc. In 3D living, you subscribe to the idea of government and allow yourself to be ruled by an administration, conforming to guidelines set for ‘the greater good’ because those in ‘authority’ know best instead of designing your own rulebooks to live by. You may not yet believe completely in your individual rights to work, play, live as you wish and therefor exist in a compromised, less satisfactory life. You probably have not begun to place more importance on your passions than your imposed obligations.

Entering into a 4th dimension consciousness is merely becoming more aware. It is the segue (smooth and uninterrupted transition) to the 5th dimension. You are beginning to awaken to your place in all this - your connection to spirit, the Universe, YOUR world. You may now begin to question belief systems that no longer make sense such as mind control via media and over-powered government dictates. The work you do starts to come into question as to whether it makes you happy and or fulfills you. This is also when you begin to place greater value on your thoughts and the significance they play in your outcomes - realizing the connection of your thoughts to your experiences (good and bad). You are starting to grasp the notion that you really do have all that you need to create all that you want and that spending your energy in negativity (anger, resentment, jealousy, etc.) does not serve you in any positive way. You may start to separate or isolate yourself from people, places and things that do not resonate with this newer awareness of personal growth and expansion.

The 5th dimension is Harmony. You enter into a place of awareness that allows you to see how ego-driven actions such as greed, arrogance, decadence, etc. only prevent you from the joyful existence that is inherently yours. You stop judging yourself and others - comparisons are very ‘yesterday’. Self-love manifests in the most glorious ways as you evolve to an understanding how powerful a weapon love is – in ALL things. Your compassion begins to flourish for the peripheral world as you realize your purpose and the impact you play in the world. Unity and clarity in the ‘oneness’ of us all permeates – boundaries are lifted in color, race, gender, and any other society-imposed separations. A strong mindfulness that nothing has power over you or your truth unless you have agreed to allow it develops as an intrinsic belief. Your focus is on healing yourself rather than trying to impress or change others. How beautiful to finally realize that “god”, “the universe,” or “source” lies within. A Mastery level of living is becoming your reality where fears subside as you now appreciate and understand your powers. Exploitation from all outside source falls away.

It is not a coincidence that at a time when the world is being affected by this most recent vibrational swing in energy (which is serving to elevate our awareness) it is also magnifying and radiating fear and resistance from so many. Those less cognizant of the choice they have to not allow this into their frequency are susceptible to this lower vibration of fear and negativity. The grave prophecies of this virus disorder are then seemly exasperated by what’s called ‘negative bias’ which asserts that most humans are more attracted to negative information and experiences than positive ones. Our media services feed off this, knowing adversity draws a greater audience and the proposed contagion grows. Yes, the virus is real but when you consider that every year approximately 160 million people worldwide are affected by natural disasters and another 1.35 million are killed on roadways, hopefully it helps you understand this situation and put things into a more level perspective.

If we could just remember that we have a choice and that focusing on the path of resistance and fear will fuel the very thing we desire not to experience. And that realigning our consciousness to a more positive vibe - one that reflects what we do desire will bring a more positive life situation; we will come away with a broadened view of our superpower abilities to protect ourselves - it is always up to us.

And, might I say how enchanting to see so many using social media to uplift and make others laugh with their isolation antics, stemming from purported boredom. I see this as one of the greatest indications we are coming together, and that love is prevailing. I am hoping that many will view the global shutdown and self-isolation as something like pushing the pause button. We are being given a chance to slow down and rethink where we are applying our energies and what we spend our time thinking about so we can then redirect our lives to ones that serve our passions. This quiet time has a divine purpose and is offering an introspective chance we may not see again.

As we each walk this earth trek uniquely, our ascension will be a very personal journey to discovering and learning our lessons for our soul’s growth. Most of us likely will experience multiple dimensions simultaneously when we start to resonate with the vibrational changes around us. You need not fret that you will be yanked into an unexpected vortex – this will be a gradual and lovely movement for you. And, there is no right or wrong way to experience any of this so trust and believe in the perfect timing of your personal progression. To illustrate this point, let us consider a large group of people who wish to travel to the same place. Having a variety of travel options, it is highly unlikely that everyone in the group will want to use the same mode of transportation. Some might opt for the most efficient / quickest way and will fly. Others may wish for a safer, albeit slower means and stay on the ground traveling by car or train. And then still, others might choose to engage in an even slower, maybe more scenic method of travel by sailing the seas. Each group will eventually arrive at the same destination, just in their own way and on their own timeline, all depending on their distinctive desires, conditions and circumstances.

And so, believe in the deepest part of your heart that there is nothing to worry about and certainly no cause for panic as this shift from one dimension to another takes place. You will come to realize the magical energy within to create the world you wish to live in, and a weight will lift. Your attentions will change to pursuits of inner understandings and knowledge and the liberation of this transition and the subsequent vastness in living will nourish your soul in ways you may never have imagined were possible. This is a gift we are being given.

I believe the positive will outweigh the negative and we will come out of this stronger and kinder with a more loving and compassionate awareness of the global humanity we all take part in. In your magnificent awakening I hope you will ride the beautiful wave of this shift and allow the changes to occur without fear.

After all, you need to remember - you  did choose to come here for this beautiful experience.  
<![CDATA[A Missive of Hope & Love]]>Tue, 17 Mar 2020 22:23:06 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/a-missive-of-hope-lovePicture

In this time of uncertainty, I woke this morning with a strong notion to deliver a missive of hope and love, eager to somehow soothe those that are consumed with the growing frenzy that has begun to permeate our beings ...

​This being the work I wish to do for the rest of my life - to inspire and motivate others.  It occurs to me that although I’m not quite ready to unveil - I can still share my light … and so, here’s a thought to ponder;

Might the current events of our world be coincidentally close to the Ascent into the Fifth Dimension where the planet and all it’s inhabitants are shifting into a whole new level of reality - a new awareness for spiritual wisdoms?  Might this be casting a light on our beliefs of love and joy and the fact that we can and do create our own realities – good or bad?  Could it possibly be a test of faith and trust in all that we are, intended to wake us up to all of our good?

As humanity always has, we humans resist change and tend to cast negative aspersions onto whatever or whoever is ‘moving our cheese’.   I think now is a good time to be reminded of the personal powers we possess.  If we could all take a collective minute to pause and redirect our energy – our thoughts, we may well find that the purported fears and dramas we are being told are “what if’s” and “might be’s” declared by others.  We have the power & ability to protect ourselves from all this sensationalism.

It is not my intention to make light of those that have been negatively affected with this most recent world adversity, but as with prior world tragedies; the experiences of some are not the experiences of all.  We each have come here to walk a separate and unique journey filled with lessons for our own individual growth.  Here's an excerpt pulled from a Deepak Chopra article that speaks to my point - he was responding to the question; “do we have control of our destiny”.

“We are not fate’s puppet … on a daily basis, it is up to us to make our own decisions and do the best to shape our own existence … to find a higher vision of life and then devote our energies to fulfilling that vision” 

The premise of my work / the business I’m building is to create art that will serve as reminders of the personal powers we possess and that we each create our realities - outside forces can influence us only if we let them.  I will be launching soon.  For now, I offer this art piece I created as a calming, loving gesture of sisterhood.  For all who find this, I wish you to be filled with the belief of your truth and the knowledge that you’ve got this, you are deserving of all the best you wish for … Love & Light  💜💜
<![CDATA[A Pivotal Moment]]>Tue, 15 Oct 2019 15:00:00 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/a-pivotal-momentPicture

The author spoke of his earlier self, describing how he so desperately wanted to bring good things into his life to attract the wealth, health and happiness he had always craved.  He eagerly and often lined his shelves with tons of books about all things spiritual.  This fascinated me, here was someone writing about wanting the same things I did 
and didn’t start with sterile how to’s.  I was also intrigued with our similar interest for answers - I too had shelves filled to the brim with such books. ​​

He went on to describe the “ah-ha’s” each book he read would bring him but that the elation would not last - maybe only as long as while he was reading it. Ok, that got my attention because that was always my issue!  Having been disappointed so many times with a book I thought would be THE ONE to help me turn the corner and understand how to manifest my dreams, only to find that none of them did.  Countless times I’d ask myself why I wasn’t grasping this law of attraction thing.  Why did I not feel more settled and happier in my life?

He said his life was full of anxiety and his work was crazy and chaotic.  Constantly worried and always afraid, feeling pressured from all sides.  The more overloaded he felt, the more avid his search for answers.  That hit me right between the eyes.  Could it be - someone else was on a treadmill leading to nowhere, too?  Holy crap, he was describing me.  Never had I been so absorbed and open to receive a message in my life.  They say when you know, you know, and I knew with every fiber of my being that I was about to learn something that would be profoundly true for me.  These may have been his words, but he was telling my story …

I’m not even sure when the frantic pace began but my reality became one hellish week of deadlines, fear and worry after another.  It felt like I had to fight and struggle with EVERYTHING.  I was successfully climbing that corporate ladder and making lots of money, but it cost me dearly.  If there was one word that described my work me persona, it would be PANIC.  Two words would be PANIC & FRIGHT.  How could this stranger, who’s book was reaching me so profoundly be describing my life to a ‘T’?

Predictably, my coping mechanism for all the chaos, turmoil, frantic and treacherous worry of my days was alcohol.  The perfect ‘go to’ antidote for a scardy-cat like me.  I’d give myself a sober dry-out session most weekends, trying to soften the alcoholic assault by reading as many spiritual books as I could but during the week, it was drink till you drop to blot out the stupid insane crazy pace of the day so that I could shut my brain down and go to sleep.  And then, of course, each morning, I’d have to make that floppy hung over mess presentable enough to do it all over again. 

Unhappy and afraid all the time, there was only room for reaction because things just moved too fast.  My poor little weekends; Saturday was spent trying to unwind as I read my feel-good books, and Sunday was full of dodging the dread for the week to come.  So much of what I read was lost because the book didn’t have my full attention.  I desperately wanted change but couldn’t see my way to it.

So, to then come to his revelation, the answer, the how and why - I have to admit, the simplicity caught me by surprise and felt a bit anticlimactic, and my first thought was; “Damn it, was this going to be another one of ‘those’ books”?  Thankfully, it was not.  In fact, a light went on, simple or not, I was about to have an “ah-ha” moment. My excitement was intense.  This made sense to me and woke me up – like a bucket of ice cubes! 

Simply, the negativity counterbalanced all the good - all that chaos and disorder I was experiencing was sabotaging any and all of my many efforts to bring peace and harmony (forget bliss) into my life.  Allowing in all that worry, and stress stifled the positive. 

You’re probably saying to yourself, “well this seems pretty obvious,” and I would agree.  But, let’s say you were driving 90 mph (or faster), how clearly could you see out the window?  How keen would your senses be, having to focus on the fast-moving bullet you were moving in?  Not to mention the alcoholic haze that saturated my reality. This figurative analogy illustrates my point precisely so, yeah, now, I get it but back then, the whole thing was a blur.  And, sometimes a teacher or a lesson will appear at a vital time because something in us wants to learn or is ready to advance.  For all I know, I may have read this same simple answer in the umpteen dozen books I’d read previously but for whatever reason, it did not resonate.  This illumination, this “ah-ha” was me finally realizing I’d been in control of this madness the whole time and could literally stop it at any moment because I was in charge – mind blowing. 
Regrettably, I can’t remember the name of the book or the author of this very impactful material but I’m sure there will come a day I can pay my respect.  He has my deepest appreciation for helping to empower me and launch me into actions that began the purge for all things insane and frantic that made me want to flee.  I can still remember that moment; knowing I was going to walk away from a six-figure, well-worn career of close to forty years.  On my own.  I didn’t get fired, I didn’t storm out.  I made a plan, gave my employer a month’s notice and stepped off. 

Finally, I was awake and began to think enough of myself to prevent further deterioration.  And I do mean that.  I was disintegrating.  I literally could not have taken another month or season or day of the hysteria.  Thankfully, guided by my subconscious – my higher self, I listened and didn’t resist.  I gave ME my life back.  As I said, the “ah-ha” lesson was more than just stopping the negative from dominating the positive, it was about realizing that at all times, I’m in charge of my life and I really do have final say-so.  Oddly enough, up until that point, I hadn’t considered that I had that power, I was so busy following other people’s rules and obliging everyone else, jumping from one scary thing to the other that it did not occur to me to take matters into my own hands - for my happiness and wellbeing.  And so, finally giving myself permission to stop compromising MY life for the sake of others, I made an epic change and took my first intentional steps toward creating the life that would make me happy.
It has been a few years now, since this bold step-off move of mine. A lot has happened to me – some good and some not so good which of course I will write about but one thing, is abundantly clear – I am more alive and happier than ever before.  I no longer feel the need to hide or escape and even though I still have work to do – that’s ok, I’m worth it.

I strongly believe our lives are meant to be lived intentionally, every day and in the direction that serves us best.  I am who I am because of my experiences. We come here to learn and to grow.  My life purpose has become wonderfully clear to me, and whether it be through my art or books and stories I write, I will make it my mission to help others realize their personal power to create the life of their dreams and to step out from under the haze that clouds their existence and prevents them from being who they really are. 

​I know what it feels like to hide and I know what it feels like to finally stop hiding.  All that we could ever want, we already have available to us. I have created this for me and I wish the same for you.  
<![CDATA[My Enchanted Alchemy & Me Story]]>Sun, 15 Oct 2017 07:00:00 GMThttp://anenchantedalchemy.com/mems-memes--musings/my-enchanted-alchemy-me-storyPicture
​I'm fascinated with the laws of the universe and exploring what my life's purpose is.  When I was quite young, someone gave me a book about brain power.  The point of the book being that we don't fully utilize all that is available to us.  It was my first glimpse into the metaphysical and how to tap into additional powers we possess. The particularly captivating argument - that we utilize only about TEN PERCENT of the personal powers we possess was all it took for me to be hooked, if there is more available to me than I want it, I remember thinking.   

​What a journey this has been … in this life-long quest, one of my sweetest and greatest realizations is that I have the ability to create the life of my dreams.  I alone hold all the cards to make anything and everything happen in my life.  I've learned that we were born knowing that we have the power but as we get older, we lose our youthful innocence and playfulness and let the chaos and outside noise of our day to day lives get louder and more demanding, eventually stomping out our imaginative spirit.  And then, we begin to conform and forget.  I know about the 'conforming' and 'forgetting' part, first-hand …

For most of my years here on earth, these unquenchable explorations into the mystic were all a big secret I didn't share with anyone.  As I embarked on grown-upness, young up-and-comer Me sensed the importance of fitting in - I picked up on very distinct non verbal messages all around me to go with the flow and don't be different.  Ugh,  such a prime example of giving your power away or squandering it!!  ​Whether my fear of judgement was imagined or not, it makes me sad to look back, knowing I had the ability to make things so much easier for myself but allowed the influence of others and the worry for what they might think to dictate and override my desires.

Tromping right in to Corporate 'grown up' world, I started at the bottom, working my tail off and advanced pretty swiftly. All this experience gained me a great deal of "success" so I stayed with it, climbing that corporate ladder as fast as my little legs could carry me. Every once in a while, I'd allow a sliver of desire for something else to surface - wanting out. But I'd get pulled back into and consumed with the frenzy so the desire would get snuffed.  The work was tough, the hours grueling and the competition was fierce!   ​I developed quite the warrior shell to get through the chaos but the daily battles took their toll.  Stressed and afraid most of the time, I allowed the anxiety to rule everything which turned into living a life of reaction.  There was just no time to think about anything else, let alone develop my spiritual self (or so I thought at the time).  As anyone climbing that ladder of success will attest, you spend far too much time looking over your shoulder and defending your position, just trying to stay afloat.  I continued to grind and the years just flew by. 

A personal incident changed everything, forcing me to take a hard look at my life.  Under the bright light of self-scrutiny, I saw that my life was not being lived intentionally or serving me in any meaningful way, (living by the standards and rules of others rarely does satisfy, by the way).   It was almost like hearing a vehicle come to a screeching halt - I saw that I was only living to serve and please others.  What an eye-opener to realize I didn't have a clue as to what made ME happy - trying to be a good girl and marching to the rules and demands of others. Honestly, I could not take one more step in the direction I'd been going! I remember saying out loud;  ​"OK, you've got my attention, Universe, I'm listening". A very clear message was given; I needed to step off the corporate ride completely - just STOP.  So I did. ​

As I moved into the rest of my life, living more purposefully, I reacquainted myself to all the beautiful beliefs of my younger years about my personal powers of manifestation and began to let my life breathe.  Having given almost 40 yrs to the corporate life, I'd become a clock watcher and obsessively checked messages every 5 minutes so to just let go was quite a challenge at first.  Things did begin to relax though and I finally began developing small businesses that I'd always wanted to start and ever so slowly, allowed the 'artist' I'd kept tucked deep inside of me out to play.  I can't even explain how exhilarating the feeling was to be openly embracing and acting on these passions I'd secretly held so close to my heart all these years. 
It was at this time a thought began to form inside my head - there might be a way I could help others who were caught up in the daily grind doing work that did not satisfy or speak to their passions.  I got excited imagining my new work would be to create inspiring and motivating art to reach out to those who might not know about the personal powers they possess or how to manifest their desires.  ​At the very least, I would create reminders I wished I'd had to take control of my life and put my happiness first!  And so, that is when An Enchanted Alchemy was born!

Having seen first-hand how easy it is to get caught up in the daily grind has helped me redefine my new life's work.  My purpose, whether it be to reignite your passion, spark joy & happiness in you or just to encourage you to take that which is rightfully yours and not be intimidated or ashamed to do so is why I have created An Enchanted Alchemy  …  to help you remember what you used to know - what you were born knowing.   It is my fervent desire that my art inspire and motivate those experiencing confusion, chaos and empty progression in their lives.  I know what it feels like to lose hope and become overwhelmed.

​​​An Enchanted Alchemy is just one more way I've proved to myself that whatever you desire, you can have. Even the name I chose for my business was some sweet serendipity ...

ENCHANTED means "to delight to a high degree, imparting a magic quality to" and ALCHEMY means "a magical transformation of a substance of little value into a substance of great value"

The name just came to me without knowing what each of the words really meant.  That makes me happy.  I no longer worry about the small stuff, I am an artist because I create.  You are an artist, too - allow yourself to be and create something fabulous!   I'm doing what I've always wanted to do - every day.  I made this life for myself ... how magical is that?